Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday 7/31 - Leg Day

Leg day w/o swats - yea!!
Up early and went for a 3 mile run (well ran 2.5, walked 1/2)

Routine C
Leg ext: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
Leg press: 2 warms, 230/6, 250/6, 270/6, ds 230/15
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12, 60/12
Bar deads: 2 warms, 95/10, 115/10, 135/10
Barbell lunge: 3 sets of 10 / 1 bar, 2 x 65

Abs: 2 x 20
Russian twist w/ med ball
Leg raises on bench
Basic crunch - weighted

Good workout - sweating!! Happy with gains on the leg press and sumos. Gonna kick it up next time - I was a little tired from running.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
~Dr. Rev Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fri 7/28 - Back & Shoulders

Routine C
a.m. weights
Pull ups (assisted): 4 sets to failure
Seated cable row (close): 2 warms, 70/10, 80/10
DB deads: 1 warm, 50/10, 50/10, 55/10
Rear delt raise (bench): 1 warm, 12/12 x 2, 15/12
1 arm side lateral (cable) 1 warm, 7.5/12 x 3 (these are so hard)
Standing push press (love these almost as much as squats) - woot!
2 warms (bar), 55/8, 60/7, ds, 50/12 (holy crap I'm sweating!)

p.m. cardio:
35 mins treadmill, 3.3 @ 10 incline

Grandbabe is staying over tonight and we went out for some ice cream (I was soo good all week) Oh well, that's what Aajji's are for right? Crazy night!!! Sitting in Coneheads and storm rolls in, tree fell in the parking lot on a car - not ours - whew. Power went out in the ice cream shop so no one else could get ice cream (we had gotten ours yea! the macro Gods were on my side - LOL)

Have a great night. Got the Strike and the tank in the mail today - thanks!

There's no place like home except grandma's.
~Author Unknown

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thurs 7/28 - Chest & Tris

Routine C
a.m. weights
Flat db press: 2 warms, 30/6 x 2, 35/6
Incl db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/8 (drat - didn't hit 10!)
Pushups: 3 sets to failure (feet elevated on bench) 3 x 15
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 25/10, 27.5/10, 30/10
One arm stirrup pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying bar ext: 1 warm (someone had the 20 lb bar so no real warm...)
30/12 x 3 (one was supposed to be warm), 40/10 (really 9 1/2)

p.m. cardio
35 mins stairmill

abs: 3 x 15
swiss ball roll out
swiss ball crunch
weighted russian twists
plank & hold (1 min x 3)

Weds 7/27 - Day off from weights
1 hr spin class a.m.
2.5 mile run p.m. -- nice night for a run (well, if you like running... lol)

Late night last night and work day began at 4:30 a.m. so a little tired today. In spite of being tired, workout was good. Thankful for small things :)

Gratitude is the best attitude.
~Author Unknown

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tues 7/26 - Back & Bi's

Routine C
15 mins cardio - treadmill pre-workout (3.0 @ 8 incline)

a.m. weights
DB bent over row (single arm): 2 warms, 25/6, 30/6, 35/6, ds 30/14
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/10, 80/10, 85/10
1 arm cable row: 1 warm, 35/12, 40/12
Rope cable curl: 35/12, 40/12
Incl db curl: 1 warm, 12/12, 12/12, ds 10/15 (ugh - these rank right up there w/squats!) lol
Conc curl: 12/12, 15/12

p.m. Cardio
30 mins eliptical

Worked from home today so was able to hit the gym at lunch and get in a bit more cardio - yippee!
Made some gains in the bent over rows and cable curls. My legs are really sore today - even without sqats!

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday 7/25 - Leg Day!

Leg day always seems to come around so quickly ?! Atually like this leg routine :) (dare I say that)

a.m. weights
First day back to Routine C
Leg ext: 1 warm, 75/10, 80/10, 90/10
Leg press: 2 warms, 180/8, 230/8, 250/8, ds 200/16
actually felt like I could have gone a little heavier - next time for sure!
How much do the sleds weigh? Just curious...
Sumo DB squat: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12, 60/12
BB Deads: 2 warms, 95/10, 115/10, 135/8
BB lunge: 3 sets of 10 / 1 x bar, 2 x 65

p.m. cardio
30 mins recumbent bike

abs: Swiss ball workout

Good workout - pleased with progress today. Made gains on the leg press & sumo db. 10 lbs less on the deads but reps were higher than last round (8-10 vs 6) So ... happy with the #'s.

Sunday 7/24 - day off of weights. Only able to squeak in 30 mins cardio due to some family committments.

Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours.
~Noela Evans

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sat 7/23 - Back & Shoulders

Stayed for 45 mins of spin class then out to the muscle-head section for back & shoulders :)

Last round for routine B.
Tomorrow is a day off - mom's 70th birthday party in N. Jersey so leaving early and will likely be home past gym time. Will go for a run or bike ride in the early a.m.

Bar deads: 2 warms, 95/6, 125/6, 145/6
Bent over row: 1 warm, 75/10, 80/10, 90/10
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 85/6, ds 75/15
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/6, 20/6 x 2
Standing db pres: 1 warm, 20/10, 25/10, 30/6 (went back to 25 for another 6)
DB front raise: 12/12, 15/12 x 2

Overall a decent workout considering I was pretty spent from spin class. It was so stinkin' hot in theat little room - dripping (literally) when I walked out.

Enjoy your day. Thanks for the advice - nothing I don't know but seeing it in writing and hearing it from someone I respect validates it.

It takes a moment to tell someone you love them. It takes a lifetime to prove it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fri 7/22 - Chest & Tris

a.m. weights - Routine B
Sl incl db press: 2 warms, 25/5, 30/5, 35/5
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure
Incl db press: 25/12 x 2, 30/10
Close grip press: 2 warms, 30/6, 35/5, ds 25/12
Lying db ext: 12/12 x 2
Rev grip pressdown: 1 warm, 12.5/12 x 2

p.m. cardio
40 mins arc trainer

abs 3 x 15
weighted decline
bicycle crunch
pilates - single leg stretch
pilates - double leg stretch

On the go since 4 am - late day, long week g'night :)

Thurs 7/21 - Back & Bi's

a.m. weights - Routine B
Seated machine row: 2 warms, 80/6, 90/6, 100/6, ds 80/18
Close pulldown: 2 warms, 70/10, 75/10, 80/10
Str arm pulldown: 1 warm, 34/12, 36/12
BB curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 2, 45/6, ds 35/10
Seated db curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10
1 arm cable curl: 12.5/10 x 2

p.m. cardio - 30 mins recumbent bike

Weds 7/20 - day off from weights 45 mins spin class

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tues 7/19 - Leg Day!

a.m. weights - Routine B
Squat: 2 warms, 75/8, 100/8, 110/8, ds 95/15
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 50/8, 55/8
Leg ext: 1 warm, 70/15, 80/13, 90/12 (1/2)
Lunges: 3 working (4-3-2-1) 20/25 lb dbs
Leg curl: 80/10, 85/10, 90/10
had to use seated leg curl, lying was in use by a team of 3 :( I wasn't getting to it any time soon.

p.m. cardio
30 mins recumbent bike

Was gonna do abs but sick bunny took priority. Gonna be a long night - vet comes in the morning. Just feeling a little down :( Kinda like when your kids are sick and you just feel helpless. No need to respond. It's all part of life and this too shall pass.

I think overall it's going to be rough animal year. They are all getting up there so mentally / financially preparing myself.

Glad tomorrow is a cardio only day - not very focused.

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mon 7/18 - Back & Shoulders

a.m. cardio:
Spin class 45 mins

p.m. weights - Routine B
Bar deads: 2 warms, 95/6, 125/6, 145/7 (added an extra rep just b/c I could)
Bent over row: 1 warm, 75/10, 85/10, 90/10
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 85/6, ds 75/15
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/6, 20/6 x 2
DB front raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12 x 2
Stand db press: 1 warm, 20/10 x 2, 30/6 (no 25's on the rack so grabbed the 30's - only 6 reps)

Workout was solid but nothing spectacular. Leg day tomorrow.

Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.
~Julia Child

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sat 7/16 - Chest & Tris

Spin class - 45 mins intervals

Routine B - Weights:
Slight Incl DB press: 2 warms, 25/5, 30/5, 35/5
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure (assisted)
Incline db press: 25/12 x 2, 30/10
Lying db ext: 12/12 x 2 - ugh (again tried 15's - 6 reps, back to 12's)
Close grip press: 2 warms, 30/6 x 2, ds 25/12
Rev grip pressdown: 1 warms, 12.5/12 x 2 - tris are on fire!

Awesome day with the granddaughter :) (I think that counts as cardio?)

Sunday 7/17 - Day off from weights
45 mins cardio
Off to clean the house and do a little yard work. Not sure we'll have time for the pool today - boo :(

Grandchildren are God's way of compensating for us growing old.
~Mary H. Waldrip

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday 7/15 - Back & Bi's

Work this morning - no gym :( Packed it all in tonight -
Routine B
Seated machine row: 2 warms, 80/6, 90/6, 100/6, ds 80/14
Close pull down: 2 warms, 70/10, 75/10, 80/10
Str arm pulldown: 1 warm, 34/12, 36/12
BB curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 2, 45/6, ds 30/15
Seated db curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10
One arm cable curl: 12.5/12, 12.5/10

Cardio: 40 mins arc trainer

Rope pull down 4 x 25
Basic crunch 4 x 20

Thursday 7/14: Off from weights. 2.5 mile run + 2.5 mile bike ride - it was so nice out :)

Some gains on the back work, none on the bi's - need to work on that. Rough work week. Gotta go get something to eat, shower and get to bed. Gradbabe arrives at 7 am tomorrow - yea!

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
~William Arthur Ward

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weds 7/13 - Legs

Routine B
a.m. weights
Squats: 2 warms, 75/8, 100/8, 110/8, ds 90/15
Stiff leg dbs: 2 warms, 50/8 x 2
Leg ext: 1 warm, 70/15, 80/13, 90/12
Leg curl: 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
Lunges: 4-3-2-1 / 3 sets 20 / 25 lb dbs

lunchtime cardio
35 mins step mill

glider & bender ball workout

Good Lord this quote was so perfect for Leg Day! Sometimes I love it and feel like I nailed it other days I just dread leg day. .... read on...
It's so hard when I have to and so easy when I want to.
~Annie Gottlier

Tues 7/12 - Back & Shoulders

Routine B
a.m. weights
Bar deads: 2 warms, 95/6, 125/6, 145/6 (10 lbs more) eeekingg up ....
Bent over rows: 1 warm, 75/10, 85/10, 90/10
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 85/6, ds 75/15
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/6, 20/6 x 2
Standing db press: 1 warm, 20/10 x 2, 25/10
DB front raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/15 x2

Never made it back for p.m. cardio - didn't get home from the office til 9:00 pm. What a day!
Have a interview on Friday. Hopefully goes well. Heading into the 16 hr day season and don't think I can (or want to) keep doing this ... burned out!

It is not enough to be busy.. so are the ants. The question is "What are we busy about?"
~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sun 7/10 - Chest & Tris

Routine B - Weights
Sl incl db press: 2 warms, 25/5, 30/5, 35/5
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure (assisted)
Incl db press: 25/12, 25/12, 30/10
Close grip db press: 2 warms, 30/6, 30/6, ds 25/12
Lying db ext: 12/12 x 2 (tried 15's and only to 6 with my left arm) dropped back to 12 and completed a full set
Rev grip pressdown: 1 warm, 12.5/12 x 2

30 mins eliptical

Workout was just ok. I'm feeling really tired today. Too much sugar yesterday and I think I'm just crashed! Cramped up all night long :( The oatmeal cookies and brownies were worth it tough. Thanks again!

Saying thank you is more than good manners ~ it's good spirituality.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sat 7/9 - Back & Bi's

Cardio: 45 mins spin class

Weights: Routine B
Seated machine row: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 90/6 ds 75/15
Close pull down: 2 warms, 65/10, 70/10, 80/10
Str arm pull down: 1 warm, 34/12, 36/12 (really 10 good ones)
BB curl: 2 warms 40/6 x 2, 45/6, ds 30/15
Seated db curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10
1 arm cable curl: 12.5/12, 12.5/10

Off to make some guac, lentils and quinoa for a BBQ - yippee! Can't wait to see what Baccaro brings - whatever it is I'm sure it will be soooo yummy and wondering what color tarp Nicole will wear - those two are hot mess. They crack me up!

Adding to Saturday's post - forgot about Friday.
Friday 7/8
Off day. 40 mins cardio 20 treadmill / 20 crossramp.
Abs - worked them good (been neglecting them a bit)
Rev crunch w/ball 3 x 15
Swiss ball pull-ins 3 x 15
Crunch on ball 3 x 15
Side plank w/ hip drops 2 x 15
Weighted side bend 2 x 15

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
~Robert Brault

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thurs 7/7 - Legs

Routine B
a.m. weights
Leg ext: 1 warm, 70/15, 80/13, 90/12 (quads are burning)
Squat: 2 warms, 75/8, 100/8, 110/8, ds 90/15
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 50/8 x 2
Lunges: 4-3-2-1, 20 lb dbs, 25 lb db's for 2 sets
Leg curl: 70/10, 80/10, 90/10

p.m. cardio
30 mins arc trainer

Quads are feeling sore already so I know even though squats are not super heavy I was focused and had a good workout :) I know I need to get heavier on the sqats... working on it. Would it be better to go back to using the smith machine?

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weds 7/6 - Back & Shoulders

Cardio a.m.:
a.m. spin class - 45 mins

Weights p.m.:
Routine B
Bar deads: 2 warms, 95/6, 115/6, 135/6
Bent over row: 1 warm, 75/10, 85/10, 90/10
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 85/6, ds 70/14
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/6, 20/6 x 2
DB front raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12 x 2
Standing DB press: 1 warm, 20/10 x 2, 25/10

Made some gains in the deads (could have gone heavier.. next time for sure)
Also some gains in the lat pull and DB press. Overall a good work out. Got to the gym really late - the job thing. Almost didn't go tonight since I was totally wiped out from work and took 5:30 a.m. spin class. Glad I did :) Off to bed - 4:30 comes early!!


Bad excuses are worse than none.
~Thomas Fuller

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mon - Chest & Tri's

Routine B
Slight incl db press: 2 warms, 25/5, 30/5, 35/5
Push ups - 3 sets to failure (was supposed to do chest dips but someone was using the machine so I sub'd pushups with feet elevated)
Incl db press: 25/12, 25/12, 30/9 (tried 35's and only hit 4 reps - dropped back to 3o's and did another set for 9)
Close girp db press: 2 warms, 30/6, 30/6, ds 25/12
DB lying ext: 10/12, 12/12
Reverse grip pressdown: 1 warm, 10/12, 12/12
Triceps are on fire!!!!

30 mins stairmaster

Worked out with Riham - she's awesome and really works hard. I generally don't like to work out with people - she rocks. Then spent the rest of the day with kids, hubby and the grandbabe at the pool.

Overall a nice day. Hope you enjoyed your day as well.

Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sun 7/3 - Back & Bi's

Routine B
Seated machine row: 2 warms, 70/6, 80/6, 90/6, ds 75/15
Close pull down: 2 warms, 65/10, 70/10, 80/10
Str arm pulldown: 1 warm, 32.5/12, 35/12
BB curl: 2 warms, 30/6, 40/6, 45/5, ds 30/15
Seated DB curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10
One arm cable curl: 12.5/12 x 2
I stink at biceps - Ugh :( Barely made the last two reps on the left side - actually not even sure if they should count - ha!

30 mins treadmill 10 incline @ 3.3
Legs are burning up. They were still a little sore from leg day, then spin class yesterday was a killer - LOTS of hill drills/climbing.

Felt good and focused today. Looking forward to some family time tomorrow. Kids and grandbabe coming to the pool for a picnic. Need to keep the junk food to minimum and add in some extra cardio this week. Still sitting at 125 and looking to get back to 123 by next check in.

Thanks for sharing your vacation pics! Enjoyed seeing them and looks like you all had a great time. You children are adorable. How many macros in the fuit/chocolate fondue? hum.... LOL

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts! (this made me laugh - so true!)
~Author Unknown

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fri 7/1 - Leg Day

Started Routine B
Squats: 2 warms, 75/8, 100/8, 110/8, 95/15
overall not as heavy but reps were higher than A. I know I need to work on these Big Time!
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 50/8 x 2
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/15, 80/13, 90/10 (burning)
Walking lunge (no walking for me) 4,3,2,1 routine - 3 sets 20 lbs x 1, 25 lb x 2
Leg curl: 70/10, 80/10, 90/10

20 mins cardio stairmill pre-legs.

Abs: 3 x 15
reverse crunch
swiss ball pull ins
swiss ball roll out

Been a crazy week. I'm very thankful for a 3 day weekend and some family time. Hopefully all is quiet.

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!
~Albert Einstein