Friday, December 31, 2010

Fri 12/31 - Delts & Tris

AM Weights
Side laterals: 2 warms, 15/8 x 3
Bar Shrug: 1 warm, 85/10, 95/10, 100/10
High Incl DB Press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/8
Dips: 4 x to failure
Rope Press: 1 warm, 27.5/12, 30/10, 32/10

PM Cardio
30 mins bike

Weight trianing was a little weak. Struggled with the last set of side lats and db press. Felt pretty rested after sleeping so much but still just a bit under the weather.

~New Year, same goal :)

Catching Up

Hey Joe, hope you and the family had a wonderful Christmas. It was awesome to have no technology and be removed from the every day work stress :) I only needed to work one day this week which was great. Just a kind of check in thing more or less.

Workout week had a few hiccups as you'll see. Here is the abbreviated version:

Weds 12/22:
17 hr work day (UGH) no gym - was trying to tidy up things for the upcoming week knowing I'd be out of the office.

Thurs 12/23: Delts / Tris
Good workout, made slight gains in the seated bar press and DB ext (YEA)
40 mins cardio

Fri 12/24 & Sat 12/25:
No gym - sick (stomach issues - we'll leave it at that) Company on Christmas eve and then slept most of the day Christmas.

Sun 12/26: Legs
Started on Routine B again. Leg presses were good 270/7 and used the smith machine for the bar lunges (which I'd not done before). I felt it much more - MUCH more the next day too :)
35 mins cardio pre-legs and 20 mins of abs - bender ball video at home.
Good day!

Mon 12/27: Chest & Bi's
Dug out for 2 hours - Love snow - yea!! Workout was ok - I think I was already pretty tired.
Biked for 20 mins at home in the p.m.
Took our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter to see Toy Story on Ice - does that count as work out? I forgot how much work that is! It was lots of fun though. :)

Tues 12/28: Back & Hammies
Good workout, was feeling really rested.
Cardio 1 hr - actually ended up talking w/someone on the the maching next to me - which I almost never do (not a gym socialite) and before I knew it I'd been climbing the stairs for an hour - ha!

Weds 12/29: Intervals
1 hr spin class (a.m.)
1 hr pilates reformer challenge class (p.m.)

Thurs 12/30:
After a night of vomiting, passing out, chest pains and sweats ended up in the ER - possible heart attack. Oh what fun! Good news - upper GI infection. Apparently they've had several patients coming in with this over the last week. I must have had a touch of this over the last week and it didn't hit me as hard. ER dr said most people are sick for 3-5 days.

Funny thing - it was quite challenging for them to get my HR high enough for the stress tests and even funnier that I recovered so quickly they had to do it again. Blood work, ekg, stress tests, etc.. all turned up a clean bill of health - yea!

It's Friday 12/31 and I've been sleeping for about 14 hours. I feel pretty good just a little weak. Going to head over to the gym in a bit and see how it goes.

Well there you have it - the Tobar novel.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy new year to the Franco family. Any plans for New Year's eve?

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~ Hal Borland

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tues 12/21 - Back & Hammies

12/20 - Interval day.
30 mins intervals and took 30 mins of a boot camp class. Been kinda stressed at work and needed the release - felt good.

12/21- Back & Hams
Deads: 2 warms, 75/8, 95/8, 95/8
Lying leg curls: 2 warms, 80/10, 90/10, 95/9
Lat pulldown wide: 2 warms, 70/8, 75/8, 80/8
DB pullover: 25/12, 30/12, 30/12
DB Bench row: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 30/10

Cardio: 30 mins split btwn stairmaster and crossramp
didn't wear my HR monitor - I was kinda in a hurry as it was late.

Abs: 2 sets 20
Rope abs
Bicycle crunch
Swiss ball weighted crunch

Workout was a little rushed - cut short on the abs and no HR Monitor.
Overall the weights were good. Deads & leg curls was able to increase a bit :)

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.
~Winston Churchill

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sun 12/19 - Chest & Bi's

Busy day - granddaughter stayed overnight, early morning with her, then drove to the poconos and back but did get my weights in the morning and just hopped on the bike tonight :)

AM Weights
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 50/10, 70/10, 70/10
Incl DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8/35/8
Pushups to fail: 3 sets
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 25/10, 27.5/10, 30/10
BB curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3

PM Cardio
Recumbent bike 30 mins

Listened to the game in the car - holy crap what a game!!!

An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.
~Mae West

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sat 12/18 - Leg Day

30 mins cario pre-legs
Avg HR: 128
Total Cal: 212
% from fat: 45

Front squat: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 80/8
Sumo DB squat: 2 warms, 65/10, 75/10, 75/10
DB step up: 3 x 12 w/20 lbs
Leg ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10
Calf Singles: 5 sets

Front squats were nice and low - no smith machine so I was happy about that
Sumo's - didn't get to 80lbs today but really concentrated on tapping the floor with the db and pressing into the floor to come up. I actually felt like I worked harder with less weight and more focus on engaging the legs and glutes 110%
Step Ups - used the bench today. Still a little problematic on the left knee - used 20 lb dbs. Legs are getting stronger and I was able to do them on the bench w/the 20's and still felt like the knee was protected.

And yes... I WANT IT MORE so this week is going to be super clean. I will enjoy a Christmas day treat but that's it. Have a great day!

~Stay committed to your decisions but remain flexible in your approach.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fri 12/17 - Delts & Tris

Kinda cranky and had a not so good last few days. Work has been out of control, 2 hr commute last night, spun out into an intersection - lots of black ice. The good Lord was watching over me; it truly was a miracle that I didn't get hit. Never made it to the gym yesterday, ate bad food at a party at work... blah blah -- you get the picture :( I'm really just annoyed at myself for eating so poorly yesterday and not getting to the gym yesterday on top of that. Good news is that I made it to the gym tonight and tomorrow is a new day.

Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 70/6
Front raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12, 15/12 (happy to have made 2 sets 12)
Seated side lats: 1 warm, 12/10, 12/10, 15/8
Tri db ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 12/10, 15/8
Tri pressdown: 2 warms, 30/10, 32.5/10, 35/10 - felt like I could have done more so threw in one more set -- 37.5/9 - NOW they're burning :)

Cardio - 55 mins (I needed to burn off the cupcakes and stress)
Avg HR: 137
Total Cal: 419
% from fat: 40

People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weds 12/15 - Intervals

No weights today. Spin class in the a.m. and a pilates class in the p.m.

Question if I may .... Distilled water, what's your take on this? I don't drink it on a regular basis but I did use it the last few days of my prep in August. Seemed to help with the bloatedness of drinking so much water. There are a lot of folks training that use only distilled water.
As always, appreciate your input.

A good rest is half the work.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tues 12/14 - Back & Hams

AM Weights
Deads: 2 warms, 65/8, 85/8, 95/8
Lying leg curls: 2 warms, 80/10, 90/10, 90/10
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 70/8, 75/8, 80/8
DB Bench Row: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 30/10
DB Pullover: 25/12, 30/12, 30/12

PM Cardio
30 mins treadmill 3.1 @ 12 incline
Avg HR 128
Total cal 205
% from fat 45

Ab work - pulled out the gliders. Have not used them in a while & forgot how challenging they are - I'm going to feel this tomorrow for sure :)

Question on the deads -- I feel like I should be able to do more but when I try to increase the weight I really compromise my form and feel like I'm using my back more so than hammies. Suggestions??

Clear your mind of can't.
~Samuel Johnson

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mon 12/13 - Chest & Bi's

Didn't make it to the gym this morning. Stayed up too late to watch the birds beat the boys - woot! And had a stomach ache this morning (too many cookies I think) They were yummy though :)

Flat bar press: 1 warm, 50/10, 70/10, 70/10
Inc DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8, 35/8
Pushups to fail - 3 x's
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 25/10, 27.510, 30/10
BB curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3

Cardio: 30 mins crossramp
Avg HR: 126
Total Cals: 210
% from fat: 45

Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. Nick and I had a very nice time yesterday and it was great to see everyone. Thanks again.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sun 12/12 - Leg Day

Leg day today - hence the reason for no jeans to the party -- skinny jeans too tight!
25 mins cardio pre-legs (hopped on the treadmill, no HR monitor just trying to squeek in my workout before the party)

Front Squat: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 80/8
Sumo DB Squat: 2 warms, 65/10, 75/10, 75/9
(legs tired hurting today - usually hit 80 lbs. I think the spin class did it for me yesterday. Really tough class and I pushed the envelope yesterday so the legs were still a little "jello-like")
DB Step Ups - 3 x 12 w/25 lbs
Leg ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10
Calf raises: singles - only got in 3 sets.... off to a party!

Sat 12/11 - Intervals. Took a spin class and got lucky enough to be sandwiched in between 2 instructors --- good Lord I had to keep up (LOL).

Committment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the right stuff to turn our dreams into reality.
~James Womak

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fri 12/10 - Delts & Tris

Yea for Friday and yea for delts and tris :)

AM Weights
Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 70/6
Front raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12, 15/8
Seated side laterals: 1 warm, 12/10, 12/10, 15/7
Tri DB ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 12/12, 15/8
Triceps press: 2 warms, 30/10, 32.5/10, 35/10

Inreased weight on bar press and was able to get in 2 sets @ 15 on the front raise.
Side lats suffered though - actually less reps than week.

PM Cardio & Abs
35 mins Arc Trainer
Something is awry w/my HR monitor - said my HR was like 200 EEK I know that is not true
Bummer :(

Abs 3 x 20
Woodchoppers (I love these - my obliques will love me tomorrow)
Swiss ball crunch
Pilates single leg stretch

Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thurs 12/9 - Back & Hams

What a day! 4:15 am work call with issues - arghhhhhh (no AM gym time today)
Out of the office by 5:15 pm, taught a pilates class at 6:15 then home to grab a shake and off to the gym at 8:30.

Deads: 2 warms, 65/8, 85/8, 95/8
Lying leg curls: 2 warms, 80/10, 90/10, 90/10 (was happy to hit 2 sets @ 90)
Lat pull wide: 2 warms: 70/8, 75/8, 80/8
DB Bench Row: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 30/10
DB Pullover: 25/12, 30/12, 30/12

Cardio 25 mins arc trainer -- didn't take time to put on my HR monitor.

Home to an All in One shake and headed to bed - 10:35 and super tired.
Thank goodness for Lind's video -- I really needed that today :)

Today is just a good day in disguise!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weds 12/8 - Chest & Bi's

AM weights
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 50/10, 70/10, 70/10
Incl DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8, 35/8 (whew just made 8)
Pushups to failure: 3 x
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 25/10, 27.5/10, 30/10
BB curl (used the e-z curl bar): 2 warms, 40/6 x 3

PM Cardio
30 mins eliptical
Avg HR: 128
Total Calories: 212
% from fat: 45

Took a 1 hour pilates reformer class

Overall a pretty good work out day.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow.
~Helen Keller

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tues 12/7 - Legs

AM Cardio - 30 mins bike

PM - 10 min warmup eliptical, then legs
Front Squat: 2 warms, 65/8, 70/8, 75/8
Sumo DB Squat: 2 warms, 65/10, 75/10, 80/8
DB Step Up: 3 x 12 w/25 lb db's
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10
Calf singles: 5 sets

Had a good day :) How about you?

Monday 12/6: Intervals & abs
HR Monitor needs a battery. On the list for tomorrow.

The most important thing about goals is having one.
~Geoffrey F. Abert

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sun 12/5 - Delts & Tris

Yea my favorite workout :)

Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/7, 60/6 (and a half if that counts)
Seated side laterals: 1 warm, 12/10, 12/10, 15/10
Front raise (alt): 1 warm, 12/12, 12/12, 15/12
Triceps db ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 12/12, 15/8
(these are just so challenging for me -- the left arm is much weaker)
Triceps press: 2 warms, 30/10, 32.5/10, 35/10

Cardio: 30 mins crossramp
Avg HR: 127
Total cals: 211
% from fat: 45

Heading out to brunch with some friends -- already know it's going to be the breakfast burrito in a whole wheat wrap w/egg whites and no potatoes (Miss my home fried potatoes!) I will have a corn muffin though - their muffins are yummy.

This is my first holiday season since really implementing these lifestyle changes. It sure makes me realize how bad my eating habits were previously. I liked your note to enjoy the "holiDAY". That hit home :)

Have a great day!

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
~Harry F. Banks

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sat 12/4 - Back & Hammies

Good day today - ran a bunch of errands and had a good workout - really focused.
Lat pulldown (wide): 2 warms, 70/8, 75/8, 80/7
One arm DB row: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 30/9
DB pullover: 25/12, 30/12, 30/12
Deads: 2 warms, 65/8, 85/8, 90/8
Lying leg curls: 2 warms, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10

Cardio: 30 mins
20 mins treadmill 10 incline @ 3.0 (got bored on the treadmill today so moved to rowing)
10 mins rowing machine
Avg HR: 131
Total cals: 213
% from fat: 45%

The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort.
~Colin Powell

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday 12/3 - Chest & Bis

Had a good workout today although I was unable to split my cardio and weights. It's all good :)

Flat bar press: 1 warm, 50/10, 70/10, 70/10
Incl DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8, 35/8 (yea for 35!)
Pushups: 3 sets to failure (I love push ups!)
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 25/10, 27.5/10, 30/9
BB curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3
Used the e-z curl bar for this -- is that ok?

Cardio 30 mins stairmaster
Avg HR: 135
Total Cal: 228
% from fat: 40

Abs: 3 x 15
Crunch on bosu ball (good Lord don't tell Dwayne about the bosu ball!)
Rope pull down
Bicycle crunch

... Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up.....
~Nancy Lopez

Thurs 12/2 - Legs

Bet you thought I skipped out yesterday :)
It was tempting.... week's been CRAZY busy. Thank goodness for the bike at home, got in 25 mins cardio a.m. yesterday then to work (another really early day).

Taught a Pilates class after work and then to gym for legs. Home at 10 PM and tired. I knew if I came home in between teaching and the gym I'd crash.

Sumo DB Squat: 2 warms, 65/10, 70/10, 70/10

Front Squat: 2 warms, 65/8, 70/8, 75/8
Need help on this one please. I have difficulty holding the bar, even using the smith machine. I'm sure I must be doing something incorrectly -- looked up on but for some reason this really feels awkward. Maybe my weights are just too heavy?

DB step ups: didn't do this b/4 because they hurt my knees and I wasn't feeling any real value. Figured out how to adapt -- instead of using a bench to step up, got a one of the steps and used 4 risers (not quite as high as a bench and was able to really focus on stepping up instead of simply propelling myself w/my supporting leg). used 25 lb db's

Leg extension: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10 (no 100's tonight -- not w/10 reps) whew

Calf singles: only did 4 sets -- tired

Apologies for the novel. Have a great day!! I'm super glad it's Friday - woot!!!!

Real success comes in small portions, day by day. Take pleasure in life's daily treasures.
~Dennis Waitley

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Weds 12/1 - Delts & Tris

Well, never made it to the gym yesterday - two 15 hour work days back to back, came home last night, sat on the couch after having my shake and egg whites fully dressed for the gym and crashed. Woke up around 9:30 and hopped on the bike for 25 mins and then went to bed. The good news is I felt totally rested and ready to go this morning!

After a 5 AM call, was able to hit the gym at 6:30 - woo hoo!
AM Weights
DB press: 2 warms, 25/8 x 3
Upright row: 1 warm, 50/10 x 3
Rear delt fly: 12/12 x 3
DB kickback: 1 warm, 12/12 x 3
Bar ext: 1 warm, 30/10, 30/10, 40/10 (tri's are burning!)

PM Cardio
40 mins cardio: 20 mins spin bike + 20 mins stair master
Avg HR: 139
Total cals: 315
% from fat: 35

PM Abs - 3 x 15
Weighted side bend
Side plank w/hip drops
Crossover crunch
Finished up w/plank and hold 3 mins

I know, I work too much - told my boss you said so.

You are never a loser until you quit trying.
~Mike Ditka

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mon 11/29 - Back and Hammies

Long workday - started at 4:30 am - didn't get to the gym until 6:45 pm. Definately needed the workout after a stressful day although I was pretty tired.

Pullups: 4 sets to fail
Rope pull down: 1 warm, 60/12, 70/12, 70/12
Bent over row: 2 warms, 65/8, 70/8, 70/8
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 75/8
Lying leg curls: 1 warm, 70/12, 80/12, 90/11 (last one was not pretty - used my lower back a bit on the last few actually) Need to work on that

Cardio: 40 mins crossramp
Avg hr: 135
Total Cals: 302
% from fat: 40

Have a conf call tomorrow at 5 am so likely won't make it to the gym in the a.m. again. We'll make due :) I have to after eating out last night at Pizzeria Stella - OMG -- it was glorious!! Hence the reason for 40 mins cardio.

The sterner the discipline, the greater the devotion.
~Pete Carill

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sun 11/28 - Chest & Bi's

Took your advice and started off with less weight (including the wams) - and I was able to hit the 35's - YEA! Thanks Joe!!!

Flat DB press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/8
Incl fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/12
Slight incl DB pres: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/7 (struggled for 8 but couldn't get it)
Hammer DB curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10, 20/8 (same here - started w/12 instead of 15 and was able to pull out the 20's with good form)
Preacher curl w/ez bar: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3

Cardio: 30 mins arc trainer + 15 mins treadmill
Avg HR: 131
Total Cal: 320
% from fat: 40

Little extra cardio. I was super energized today (that's what happens when you get 7 hrs sleep) and I'm going out to dinner tonight - felt like I needed a little extra cardio b/c I won't be eating clean tonight for sure - Pizzeria Stella in Phila - YUM!

Thanks again for the advice - it was so much fun breaking past the 30's.

The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.

~Vince Lombardi

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sat 11/27 - Legs

Took the day off yesterday - needed the mental/physical break and had a great workout today.
Squats were really low, lunges (although not walking) were solid, lower than usual and really concentrated on form.

30 mins eliptical before legs
Avg HR: 128
Total Cal: 211
% from fat: 45

Hack squat: 1 warm, 110/10, 140/10, 160/10
Squat: 2 warms, 70/10, 90/10, 100/10 (nice n low) - w0o hoo!
Lunges w/25 lb dbs: 3 x 12
Leg Ext: 80/8, 90/8, 100/8
Calf raises (seated): 35/30 x 2, 45/30 x 2, 45/25

I just saw the first posing class is scheduled for 1/22 - POO - I will miss it as we will be in St. Thomas (darn...) Well, glad we'll be in St. Thomas but I was hoping to start posing classes in Jan. Lord knows I need the practice (although, I think I've finally gotten the back pose down -- been practicing that one a LOT).

Working out at the 12th Street Gym tomorrow with my son. Always fun!

Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.
~Corrie ten Boom

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thurs 11/25 - Happy Thanksgiving

Today was supposed to be intervals. Didn't hit the sheets til 2 am and back up at 5:30 so I wasn't hittin' the intervals too well. I did have a good ride on the spin bike though - lots of climbing and a few intervals.

40 mins spin bike
Avg hr 145
Total cals: 331
% from fat: 30

Abs: 3 x 20
Swiss ball pull ins
Leg raise
Knee raises

Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving to the Franco family. I hope you are not checking your emails today :)

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. ~Johannes A. Gaertner

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weds 11/24 - Delts & Tri's

My favorite workout!! Again today I did not split my weights / cardio. Too much to get done, just happy to have gotten to the gym!

DB press: 2 warms, 25/8 x 3
Upright row: 1 warm, 50/10 x 3
Rear delt fly: 12/12 x 3
DB kickback: 12/12 x 3
Bar ext: 1 warm, 30/10, 30/10, 40/10 (last one was a killer)

Cardio: 30 mins stairmaster
Didn't wear my HR monitor.... I feel like a mess today!

Have a great holiday Joe! Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement. Look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks.

Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.
~W. J. Cameron

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tues 11/23 - Back & Hammies

Took 1/2 vaca day from work and hit the gym mid day. Did not split my weights and cardio today -- lots to get done before the gang arrives on Thursday!

Rope pull down: 1 warm, 60/12, 70/12, 70/12
Pull ups: (assisted) 4 sets to failure -- I long to be able to do these w/o assistance!
Bent over row: 2 warms, 65/8, 65/8, 70/8
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 75/8
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/12, 70/12, 80/12

Cardio: 20 mins treadmill 11 incline @ 3.1
Avg hr: 126
Total cal: 135
% from fat: 45

Came home and did 4 hours of yard work - more raking, mulching, planting. Whew... almost done!!! Leaves are all up - hooray. Exceeded my macros today - carbs & pro.. was really hungry. I think all the yard work over the last few days has perked up my appetite. Didn't eat poorly, just more than I was supposed to.

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mon 11/22 - Chest & Bi's

Had a good workout today but was a little tired this a.m. - stayed up too late to watch the game and was still pretty wiped out from 2 days of raking leaves and cleaning up the yard.

a.m. weights
Flat DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Incl fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/10
Slight incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Preacher curl w/e-z bar: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3
Hammer DB curl: 1 warm, 15/10 x 3 (couldn't do 20's today - hit 4 reps and form was terrible)

p.m. cardio & abs
30 mins eliptical
Avg hr: 127
Total Cals: 203
% from fat: 45

Abs: 3 x 15
Ball crunch
Pilates double leg stretch
Pike crunch

Feeling very "fit and healthy" mentally and physically.

Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.
~Kak Sri

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sun 11/21 - Day Off

Opt'd to do yard work - leaf pick up starts next week and with 1.5 arces of leaves and only me to pick 'em up... lots to do. What a gorgeous day!

30 mins cardio (bik) then in the yard from 9 til 5:30 (someone turned out the lights out there)
I'm wiped out! I needed one of these "nature" days - much to be thankful for.

Now, hopefully the Eagles beat the Giants - yippee!!! (BTW - congrats on the win last week Dallas fan).

E-A-G-L-E-S (I know you are either laughing or puking - not sure which)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sat 11/20 - Leg Day

How come leg day comes around so soon? LOL
Cardio (pre legs) 30 mins eliptical
Avg HR: 126
Total Cals: 200
% from fat: 45

Squat: 2 warms, 70/10, 90/10, 90/10, 100/10
Walking lunges (opt'd for stationary lunge): 3 x 12 2/25 lb weight
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 110/10, 140/10, 160/10 (just made the last one)
Leg ext: 80/8, 90/8, 100/8
Calf raise: 35/30 x 3, 45/30 x 2
tried the seated ones -- I like these better, the standing ones hurt my shoulders. Felt like I really worked my calf muscles more

Off to rake leaves (lots and lots and lots of leaves....)

All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within.
~Horace Friess

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fri 11/19 - Intervals & Abs

Spin bike intervals
5 min warm up, 15 min internvals, 10 min cool down
Avg HR: 144
Total Cals: 275
% from fat: 35

Abs: 3 x 20
Hanging abs (straps) with a twist (last set of these only hit 3 x 15 - burning abs)
Decline bench w/8 lb med ball
Double crunch

Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thurs 11/18 - Delts & Tri's

My favorite body parts to train - yippee for delts and tris Thursday!

a.m. weights
DB press: 2 warms, 25/8 x 3
Upright row: 1 warm, 50/10 x 3
Rear delt fly: 12/12 x 3
DB kickback: 1 warm, 12/12 x 3
Bar ext: 2 warms, 30/10, 30/10, 40/10

p.m. cardio
30 mins arc trainer
avg hr: 129
total calories burned: 201
% from fat: 45

Gratitude is the best attitude :)
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/17 - Back & Hammies

Didn't go to the gym early today, but instead went to Phila and worked out with my son. Really excited to see him motivated to lead a healthier lifestlye and get in shape. What's even more awesome is that he said he's really proud that I did this and if I can do this at 47 he can do it at 25. Just goes to show how much influence we really do have on our children whether we realize it or not. I love being a mom! Well, enough mushiness... :) I kicked his butt and that was fun too!

Rope pull down: 1 warm, 60/12, 70/12, 70/12
Pull ups: (assisted) 4 sets to failure
Bent over row: 2 warms, 65/8, 65/8, 70/8
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 80/8
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/12 x 3
(couldn't hit 80 on this machine -- it was a differnt angle than the one at my regular gym and I even struggled with 70 lbs by the 3rd set)

Cardio: 30 mins eliptical
Avg HR: 131
Cals burned: 241
% from fat: 45

Abs: 3 x 20 (my son thought I was crazy)
Knee raises
Reverse crunch
Decline reverse crunch (only managed 2 x 20 and 1 x 15)

Finished up with plank and hold for 2 mins

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
~Henry Ward Beacher

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tues 11/16 - Chest & Bi's

a.m. weights
Flat db press: 1 warm, 30/8 x 3
Slight incl db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Incline fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/10
Preacher curl: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3
Hammer db curl: 1 warm, 15/10, 15/10, 20/8

p.m. cardio
30 mins crossramp
avg hr: 126
cals burned: 200
% from fat: 45

Another long work day. Workouts were good today :)
I must have worked harder than I thought yesterday. My legs are a bit sore today - much to my surprise.


If you don't know where you are going you'll end up someplace else.
~Yogi Berrra

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mon 11/15 - Leg Day

a.m. cardio - 30 mins bike
Avg HR 127
Cals burned: 199
% from fat: 45

p.m. weights & abs
Hack squat: 1 warm, 90/10, 140/10, 160/9

Leg ext: 80/8, 90/8, 100/8 (first time I've ever hit 100!)

Squat: 2 warms, 70/10, 90/10, 90/10, 100/10

Walking lunge: left knee really hurt tonight even braced up.
Opt'd for stationary lunges 3 x 12 w/ 20 lb dbs
Maybe I should put these first in the rotation - I'll try that next time.

Calf raises: (donkey calf) 140/30, 140/30, 140/30, 140/25, 140/25

Abs: 3 x 20
Weighted rope abs
Butterfly crunch
Ball crunch

Long day - work day started at 4:30 this morning, then squeeked in my cardio, off the the office, didn't leave work until 6:30, then to gym (I'm beat) Workout was so-so .... I didn't feel very focused tonight. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm off to bed.

They can because they think they can.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sat 11/13 - Delts & Tris

Was supposed to be an interval day but since my son wanted to work out with me, how could I say no - so... delts & tri's is was.

12th street gym is nice!!! Enjoyed working out in a new place with new faces.

DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 25/8, 25/7
Upright row: 1 warm, 50/10 x 3
Rear delt fly: 12/12 x 3
DB kick back: 1 warm, 12/12 x 3
Bar Ext: 2 warm, 30/10, 30/10, 40/9

Cardio - 30 mins crossramp
Avg hr: 131
Total Cals burned: 243
% from fat: 45

Sunday 11/14 - Intervals (hit the recumb bike at home)

You will never win if you never begin.
~Robert Sculler

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fri 11/12 - Back & Hams

Happy Friday - woot!!!

a.m. weights
Rope pull down: 1 warm, 60/12, 60/12, 65/12
Pull ups: 4 x's to failure
Bent over row: 2 warms, 65/8, 65/8, 70/7
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/12, 80/12, 80/12
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 70/12, 80/12, 80/12

p.m. cardio & abs
25 mins treadmill 11 incline @ 3.1
Avg HR: 135
Total cals burned: 194
% from fat: 40

Abs 3 x 15
weighted side bend (10 lbs)
plank twists
side plank

~Om Shanti

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thurs 11/11 - Chest & Bi's

Work day started at 4:30 a.m. and didn't end until 7:30 pm. I never made it to the gym this morning so packed in weights and cardio tonight. Wiped out - but a great stress reliever for sure!

Flat DB press: 1 warm, 30/8 x 3
Slight incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Incline fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/10
Preacher curl w/ez bar: 2 warms, 40/6 x 3
Hammer DB curl: 1 warm, 15/10, 15/10, 20/9

Cardio: 30 mins stairmaster
Avg HR: 135
Total cals burned: 229
% from fat: 40

Headed to the shower and then to bed. 4:30 arrives so early .... Who's idea was that???

A smile is the shortest distance between two people.
~ Victor Borge

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weds 11/10 - Legs

a.m. cardio & abs
30 mins treadmill - 11 incline, 3.1 mph
Avg HR: 129
Total Cals Burned: 207
% from fat: 45

Abs 3 x 20
Butterfly crunch
Decline bench w/8 lb med ball
Bicycle crunch (oldie but a goodie)

p.m. weights (first day of routine C with legs)
Squat: 2 warms, 70/10, 90/10, 90/10, 90/10 (couldn't hit 100 since sets/reps were higher)
Leg ext: 80/8, 90/8, 90/8
Hack squat: 1 warm, 90/10, 140/10, 160/8
Walking lunge: 3 x 12 with 20 lb db
(these a little tough on the knee - I just don't go too low or use heavy weight)
Really concentrate on my alignment / form
Calf raises: (standing) 120/30, 120/25, 120/25, dropped to 100/30 (burning!!) 100/30

This was a long one -whew!

Personality can open doors but only character can keep them open.
~Elmer G. Letterman

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tues 11/9 - Delts & Tri's

a.m. weights
DB press: 2 warms, 25/8, 25/7, 25/6
Upright row: 1 warm, 50/10 x 3
Rear delt fly: 12/12 x 3
Bar ext (skullcrusher): 2 warm, 30/10 x 3
DB kickback: 1 warm, 10/12, 12/12, 12/10

p.m. cardio
45 mins total - 30 mins arc trainer + 15 spin bike
(added extra cardio... I ate a cupcake today, it was worth the extra cardio)
Avg HR: 131
Total Cal burned: 320
% from fat: 40

He who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; he who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mon 11/8 - Intervals & Abs

30 mins on the spin bike -- 5 min warm, 15 min intervals, 10 min cool down
Avg HR: 143
Total Cal: 272
% from fat: 35

Plank and hold 1 min (3 x's)

Hanging leg raises
Swiss ball crunch w/10 lb weight
Rev crunch w/ball

Pilates reformer class (p.m.)

Kind words are the music of the world.
~F.W. Faber

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sun 11/7 - Back & Hammies

Good Lord Joe Franco I think this was the best back workout I ever had.
Never did the lat rope pull down and then to follow that up with pull ups (which desperately need improvement) Holy crap my lats are really feeling it! Also did a bit of posing for my back (I think I finally have the back/front pose figured out)

Rope pulldown: 1 warm, 60/12, 60/12, 65/12
Pull ups: 4 sets to failure (assisted pull ups)
Bent over row: 2 warms, 65/8, 65/8, 70/7
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 70/12, 80/12, 80/11
DB leg curl: 1 warm, 70/12, 80/12, 80/11
I did lying leg curls instead. How do you get the db between your feet while you balance on the bench? I'm not that talented?

Cardio: 30 mins arc trainer
Avg HR: 128
Total cal burned: 200
% from fat: 45

Overall a good workout. Have a great day!

Always laugh when you can. It's cheap medicine.
~Lord Byron

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sat 11/6 - Chest & Bi's

Started Routine C today so figuring out what weight works (say that 3 x's fast - ha)
Slight incl db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3

Incl fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/10

Flat db press: 1 warm, 30/8 x 3 (I think I could 35, just need a spotter to help get them up there initially)

Preacher curl: 2 warms, 40/6, 40/6, 50/3 (tried 50 - was so not pretty only 3 reps) back to 40 for 5 more
Joe, did you want these done w/db's single arm or ok to use the e-z curl bar? obviously I did the latter.

Hammer db curl: 1 warm, 12/10, 15/10, 15/10

Cardio - 30 mins crossramp
Avg HR: 130
Total cal: 243
% from fat: 45

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fri 11/5 - Leg Day

Cardio a.m.
35 mins eliptical
Avg HR: 131
Total cal burned: 246
% from fat: 45

I'm such a dingbat... I realized today that I never reset my monitor once I gained back some weight. Still had it programmed for 117 lbs - oi. Not sure how much of a diff it makes in the results, but we're all fixed now.

Weights & Abs p.m.
BB Squat: 1 warm, 90/10, 90/10, 100/8

Leg press: 2 warms, 180/8, 230/8, 250/8, 250/8

Bar lunge: 3x12 with 65 lbs

Wall sqaut w/ball: 4 x 20 w/25 lb db's (burning quads)

Calf raises: 140/20, 160/20, 160/20, 180/20, 200/15 (burning calves)

Abs: 3 x 20
Leg raises
Knee raises
Pull ins

Good Lord... I just realized I was supposed to switch routines. Oh well, there's tomorrow :)

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
~Lao Tzu

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thurs 11/4 - Intervals

Had some work stuff this morning so no gym but was able to get in my intervals on the bike at home :)

30 mins total - warm up, intervals, cool down
Avg heart rate: 142
Total cals: 271
Percent from fat: 35%

Leg day tomorrow - woot!

The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
~Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weds 11/3 - Delts & Tris

Weight training a.m.
Bar shrug: 1 warm, 95/10, 115/10, 115/10
Side laterals: 2 warms, 15/8 x 3
High incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Rope triceps press: 1 warm, 25/12, 27.5/12, 29/12
Triceps dips: 4 sets to failure

Cardio & Abs p.m.
35 mins treadmmill, 3.0 @ 12 incline
avg heart rate: 130
total cal burned: 244
% from fat: 45

Abs: 3 x 15
Side plank w/ hip drops
Cross over crunch

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
~Robert Collier

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tues 11/2 - Back & Hammies

5:30 am - weight training
DB deads: 1 warm, 45/10, 45/10, 50/10
Seated leg curl: 2 warms, 75/15, 80/15, 80/14
T-Bar row: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8, 30/8
Close Row: 60/12, 70/12, 75/12
Lat pull underhand: 2 warms, 80/8, 85/8, 90/8

7:00 pm - cardio / 50 minutes total
Arc trainer & stair master
Avg HR: 131
Total Cals burned: 348
% from fat: 45

I've noticed that I'm not quite as strong hitting the gym at 5:30 as when I go after work. Maybe because I'm not so stressed out at 5:30 in the morning?

Never neglect an opportunity for improvement.
~Sir William Jones

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mon 11/1 - Chest & Bi's

Trying to get back to my a.m. weight training and p.m. cardio/abs. I've found that I get better results by breaking them up. Of course hitting the gym twice in one day can be a little challenging but... the payoff is worth it.

5:30 AM - Weight training
Slight incl bar press: 2 warms, 70/8, 70/8, 80/6
Incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Flat fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/12
Incl DB curl: 2 warms, 15/6, 15/6, 15/6
Cable curl: 1 warm, 22.5/10, 25/10, 25/10 (couldn't hit the 27.5 today)

7 PM cardio & abs
25 mins eliptical / 25 mins treadmill 12 incline at 3.1
avg heart rate: 130
total cals: 349
% from fat: 45
Hit a little extra cardio since I've been less than diligent the last few days.

Abs: 3 x 20
Decline bench
Weighted crunch
Pike crunch

You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.
~Charles Bruxton

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sat 10/30 - Legs

No whining, no excuses, just letting you know where I've been. Father-in-law had a stroke and have spent the last few days juggling hospital visits and work. Not much in the way of working out and eating has been so-so. Luckily I cooked last weekend and packed up my stuff - was able to stay somewhat on track.

Workout today, although not terrible, was certainly not my best. I think I'm just a little wiped out.

Cardio: crossramp 30 mins pre-legs.
Broke out the HR monitor // Avg HR 131, Total cals burned 212, 40% from fat
HR was a little higher than I would have liked - stress?

Bar lunge: 3 x 12 w/65 lbs

BB Squat: 1 warm, 90/10, 90/8, 100/8

Leg press: 2 warms, 180/8, 230/8, 250/8, 250/8

Wall squats w/ball and 25 lb dbs: 4 x 20 (only made 3 x 20 today)

Calf raises: 20/140, 3x20/160, 20/180

Abs: 3 x 15
Weighted rope pull
Ball crunch
Bicycle crunch

Obstacles are great incentives.
~Jules Michelet

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weds 10/27 - Delts & Tris

Had a good workout tonight. Promo'd your April show to a few people at the gym who have expressed an interest in competing.

Bar shrug: 1 warm, 95/10, 115/10, 115/10 (last couple were challenging)
Side laterals: 2 warms, 15/8 x 3
High incl db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Rope triceps press: 1 warm, 25/12, 27.5/12, 29/12
Dips: 4 sets to failure (triceps are on fire!)

Cardio: 20 mins eliptical, 15 mins arc trainer (ran into a friend so hopped on the arc trainer while we chatted)

Abs: 3 x 15
Hanging abs w/twist
Crossover crunch
Side plank / hip drops
Plank and hold 1 minute

Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment.
~Haywood Hale Broun

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tues 10/26 - Back & Hammies

Short and sweet - it's late

Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 80/8, 90/8, 90/8
Close row: 60/12, 70/12, 75/12
T-Bar row: 2 warms, 25/8, 30/8, 35/8
Seated leg curl: 2 warms, 75/15, 80/15, 80/13
DB Deads: 1 warm, 45/10, 50/10, 50/10

Cardio: 30 mins crossramp

No abs (had them on the list but it was a bit too late -- I've promised myself I was going to try and be in bed by 10:30 since 4:30 comes very early!)

The art of bein wise is knowing what to overlook.
~William James

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mon 10/25 - Intervals

Took at 45 min spin class this morning at 5:45 and it felt GREAT! Hoping in the next week or so to be able to get back to my morning lifting routine and cardio in the p.m. Really helps start the day off right! Happy Monday :)

Committment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
~Marcia Wieder

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sun 10/24 - Chest & Bi's

What a glorious day outside! Doors at the gym were open in the cardio room so it was really nice :)

Slight incl bar press: 2 warms, 70/8, 70/8, 80/6
Incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Flat fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/12
Incl DB curl: 2 warms, 15/6, 15/6, 20/4 - barely made 4 UGH (went back to 15) 15/6
Cable curl: 1 warm, 22.5/10, 25/10, 27.5/10

Cardio: 30 mins arc trainer
I think I'm going to start wearing my HR monitor again. I stopped after I was done with "crazy training" - now that I'm "back on the rails" I should dig it out. Always found it helpful to record my avg hr and total cals/fat burned.

Abs: 3 x 20
Swiss Ball crunch
Swiss ball pull ins
Knee raises
Rollover / hips up on bench

Debating on yard work or 'em both.

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.
~Jonathan Winters

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sat 10/23 - Leg Day

So why do I feel like I just did leg day? LOL - probably b/c I hurt for 3 days (pushed a little too hard last week). Was better today and changed the order a bit. Hoping to add a little weight to the bar lunges. Worked out well, but the ball/wall squats were tougher since I was fatigued already. Overall a pretty good workout :)

Cardio: Eliptical - 25 minutes pre-leg workout

Bar lunge: 3 x 12 w/65 lbs - really trying to concentrate on form
Leg press: 2 warms: 180/8, 230/8, 250/8, 250/7 (couldn't hit 8 today)
BB squat: 1 warm: 90/10, 90/10, 100/8
Wall squats w/ ball: 4 x 20, 30 lb DBs (last set only made it to 15)
Calf raises: 140/20, 160/20, 160/20, 160/20, 180/15 (woohoo) calves on fire!

Stretched (a lot). Good luck at the show today!!!! Go Team Franco!

Attitude determines altitude.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fri 10/22 - Delts & Tris

Ah.. Friday night at the gym (typically empty and plowing thru the workout - yea!)

Side laterals: 2 warms, 15/8 x 3
High incl DB press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
Bar shrug: 1 warm, 95/10, 95/10, 115/10
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Rope tricep press: 1 warm, 25/12, 29/12, 29/12

Abs: 3 x 20
Decline bench (10 lb med ball)
Butterfly crunch
Weighted crunch (25 lbs)

Cardio: 35 mins crossramp

Food was spot on today. Was in heaven since Joe said I can have a piece of wheat toast post workout even after 3 PM - woo hoo!!! Good Lord I'm happy with the little things :)

Peace begins with a smile :)
~Mother Theresa

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thurs 10/21 - Back & Hammies

Thurs is usually my off day but since work was crazy yesterday and the only workout I got was a yoga class, no off day today.

Lat pull underhand: 2 warms, 80/8, 90/8, 90/8
T-bar row: 2 wwarms, 25/8, 30/8, 35/8
Close row: 60/12, 70/12, 70/12
Seated leg curl: 2 warms, 75/15, 80/13, 80/12
DB deads: 1 warm, 45/10, 50/10, 50/10

Cardio: 30 mins eliptical

It's late 10:20, just in from the gym - going to cook up some egg whites - I'm hungry! When I work out this late is it ok to have a bit of carbs post work out? I generally don't eat carbs this late at night even if I have not hit my macros. I always thought it was bad to eat carbs this late - thinking along the lines of just one piece of wheat toast or a 1/2 sweet pot w/my eggs.

Dreams are free so free your dreams!
~Astrid Alauda

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tues 10/19 - Intervals

40 mins of intervals on the spin bike tonight then hit the abs. Actually only 30, last 10 mins was a steady climb - whew .. sweating...

Abs: 3 x 20
Hanging abs w/a twist
Reverse crunch w/ball
Weighted crunch on the ball
Hold plank 2 mins x 3

The difference between try and triumph is a little "umph"
~Author Unknown

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mon 10/18 - Chest & Bis

Ouuuchh! I think I broke a glute - my legs and butt are so sore from yesterday. I bumped up the weight on everything (except the bar lunges) and good Lord, it hurts every time I sit down.

Thanks goodness for upper body today!

Incline db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 3
I think I could hit the 35's but I can't get them above my head to start -- need a spotter.

Flat fly: 15/12, 15/12, 20/11
Slight incl bar press: 2 warms, 70/8, 70/8, 80/6
Cable curl: 1 warm, 22.5/10, 25/10, 27.5/10
Incline db curl: these are my enemy - grrrr... 2 warms, 15/6, 15/6, 15/6
couldn't hit the 20's tonight -- not sure why - only did 2 reps with 20 as opposed to the 4 I did last week. We'll try again next week :)

Cardio: 40 mins arc trainer
Was immaculate with my food for the last 3 days and trying really hard to get at least 5 - 6 hrs sleep. That being said, off to bed (it's 10:35 and 4:30 is just around the corner...) Night!

Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.
~ Woody Allen