Friday, September 30, 2011

Fri 9/30 - Chest & Tris

Routine B
Sl incl bar press: 2 warms, 65/8, 75/8, 75/6
Incl db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10 x 2
Flat db fly: 1 warm, 20/12 x 2
Tri dips: 4 x to failure
Lying bar ext: 30/10, 40/10
Rope pressdown: 1 warm, 50/12, 60/12

35 mins recumbent bike

Kinda tired today. In a little late from dinner and then had an emergency call from my daughter last night - all is well but when the phone rings at 11 pm...... couldn't go back to sleep.

Have a great afternoon.

The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them to the impossible.
~Arthur C. Clarke

Thurs 9/29 - Quads

Routine B - a.m. weights
Squat: 2 warms, 105/8, 115/8, 120/7
Hack squat: 1 warmm, 50/10, 60/10 (used the hack squat machine)
Sissy squat: 20 reps x 3
Bar lunge: bar/10, 65/10 x 2
Leg press: 200/20, 220/20

High carb day - woot :) Out to dinner for a friend's birthday - wheat pasta with garlic & olive oil and cheese cake and alas no cardio today ~ got in too late. Back to macros tomorrow.

Weds 9/28
Day off from weights --> Intervals 45 min spin class
Abs - 3 x 15
Reverse crunch
Leg push away
Leg raises

Little by little one walks far.
~Peruvian Proverb

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tues 9/27 - Shoulders & Bi's

Routine B - a.m. weights
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/8, 20/8 x 2
High inc db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 2
Floor raises: 1 warm, 7/10, 8/10 (Holy Delts!!!)
Cable curl: 1 warm, 27.5/10, 30/10
1 Arm preacher curl: 12/12, 15/12
Inc db curl: 1 warm, 12/6, 15/6

I think I have the weakest biceps on the planet :(

Cardio - p.m.
35 mins treadmill 3.2 @ 9 incline

Feeling good and overall a solid workout -- biceps really some work though.
Tomorrow is intervals and day off from weights. Be back Thursday. Have a great night!

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
~Lance Armstrong

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mon 9/26 - Back & Hammies

Routine B - a.m. weights
Lat pul (palms up): 2 warm, 80/8, 85/8, 90/8
T-bar row: 1 warm, 35/8, 37.5/8, 40/8
Close row (rope/high): 100/12, 110/12, 110/12
DB Deads: 1 warm, 55/10, 60/10
Good mornings: bar/12, 65/12, 70/12
Glute/ham raise: 3 x to failure

Good Lord! Hammies were screaming - they're gonna be a hurtin' tomorrow!

Cardio - p.m.
35 mins recumbent bike

Abs - obliques 3 x 15
Side jack knife
Russian twist
Weighted side bend

Had a good night's sleep and a good workout.

Sun 9/25 - eneded up being a total off day due to some family stuff. Adjusted macros accordingly. Forgot how much fun low carb days are - woot woot!

Sat 9/24 - Spin class. No weights (Sat was supposed to be my off day, not Sunday) oh well.

Success is the sum of all small efforts repeated day in and day out.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fri 9/23 - Chest & Tris

Routine B - a.m. weights
Sl incl bar press: 2 warms, 65/8, 70/8, 75/6
Incl db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10 x 2
Flat db fly: 1 warm, 15/12, 20/12
Lying bar ext: 30/10, 40/10
Tri dips: 4 x to failure
Rope pressdown: 1 warm, 50/12, 60/12

Cardio - p.m.
30 mins arc trainer

Workout was solid. Didn't think I worked as hard as I did the other day on hammies but they are still sore today (2 days later- eek) Feels good!

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
~Neale Donald Walsch

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thurs 9/22 - Quads

Routine B - a.m. weights
Squat: 2 warms, 105/8, 115/8, 115/7
Hack squat: 1 warm, 50/10, 60/10 (used hack squat machine)
Sissy squat: 3 x 20 reps
Leg press: 210/20, 230/18
Barbell lunge: bar/10, 65/10 x 2

Cardio - p.m.
30 mins bike

Abs - 3 x 15
Hip thrusts
Swiss ball pull ins
Leg raises

Changed my week around & ended up training quads the day after back & hammies - not sure if that's why but leg workout was a little disappointing. I pushed to failure but just didn't seem to have it this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be an off day but will train chest & tris and take Saturday off due to family stuff.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~Winston Churchill

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weds 9/21 - Back & Hammies

Routine B - p.m. weights
Lat pull (palm up): 2 warm, 80/8, 85/8, 90/7 1/2
T-bar row: 1 warm, 30/8, 35/8, 40/8
Close row (high - rope): 90/12, 100/12, 110/12
DB deads: 1 warm, 55/10, 60/10
Good mornings: bar/12, 65/12, 70/10
Glute/ham raise: 3 x to failure

Our gym has a glute/ham machine (well contraption - not the most comforatble piece of equipment for sure!) I did the first set with no weight then the next one holding a 10 lb plate and the next with a 25 lb plate (ouch!!! - screaming hammies) Would you rather I get do reps and use no weights or less reps with the weight?

Lower back is bothering me a bit today - thank goodnes for advil and heat :)

a.m. Cardio:
45 mins spin class

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tues 9/20 - Shoulders & Bi's

Routine B - a.m. weights
Side laterals: 1 warm, 15/8, 20/8 x 2
High inc db press: 1 warm, 30/10 x 2
Floor raises: 1 warm, 7/10, 8/10 (ugh, burning shoulders....)
Cable curl: 1 warm, 27.5/10, 30/10
Inc db curl: 1 warm, 12/6, 15/6 x 2
One arm preacher curl: 12/12, 15/12
I think I have the weakest biceps on the planet!

Cardio - p.m.
30 mins bike

Abs: 3 x 15
Basic crunch
Pilates single leg stretch
Butterfly crunch
Plank & hold (1 min x 3)

Back is still a little tight but def feeling better.

So my new job apparently has catered lunch meetings 2 x's a week (catered today was pizza, soda and cookies). I got out my 3 oz of basmati rice, fake chicken, hard boiled egg whites and asparagus -- this was day 2 on the job -- they think I'm a wacko! This is definatley going to be a test of will power.

Willpower is the ability to eat one salted peanut.
~Author unknown

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mon 9/19 - Chest & Tris

Routine B - a.m. weights
Slight incl bar press: 2 warms, 55/8, 65/8, 70/6
Incl db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10 x 2
Flat db fly: 1 warm, 15/12, 20/12
Triceps dips: 4 x to failure (assisted)
Lying bar ext: 30/12 x 2
Rope pressdown: 1 warm, 50/12, 60/12

Cardio - p.m.
30 mins bike

Did something to my back on Saturday. Spent most of Sunday chillin' with some heat and muscle relaxers. Didn't push terribly hard the lifting today. Feeling a little better today.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
~Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sat 9/17 - Quads

Routine B
Squats: 2 warms, 105/8, 115/7, 115/7
Sissy squats: 3 x 20
Barbell lunge: bar/10, 65/10 x 2
Leg press: 210/20, 230/20
Hack squat (used hack sq machine): 1 warm, 50/10, 60/10

Spin class. Made the mistake of taking spin class PRIOR to quad work out. Legs already fatigued so didn't hit the weight I wanted at all. Lesson learned - no spin on quad day.

~Strive for progress, not perfection.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fri 9/16 - Shoulders & Bi's

Routine A
Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 65/7
Seated side laterals: 10/10, 12/10, 15/10
Front/rear delt raise ss: 1 warm, 10/12, 12/12, 15/12 - delts on fire!
Bar curl: 1 warm, 40/6 x 2, 45/6
Rope curl: 1 warm, 50/10, 55/10
Conc curl: 15/10, 20/9

30 mins crossramp

After the gym, headed to the pilates studio and took a pilates reformer - it was awesome!

2 1/2 hrs of workout bliss today - last day for this so just enjoying it while I can.

~You can have results or excuses, not both.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thurs 9/15 - Back & Hammies

Routine A
Lat pull wide grip: 2 warms, 85/8, 90/8, 95/8
Seated cable row (close): 65/12, 70/12, 80/12
DB Bench row: 25/10, 30/10, 35/10
Deads: 1 warm, 135/8, 145/8, 150/7
Leg curl (seated): 1 warm, 70/10, 75/10, 85/10
Single leg curl (seated): 30/12, 35/12, 40/12

Three dudes were using the lying leg curl - I knew I wasn't getting close any time soon. Change is good :)

30 mins eliptical

Solid workout. Happy with the progress on the deads and shooting for the 200 you think I can do.
Been hitting macros within 5 every day and love being back on track.

Weds 9/14:
Cardio only & abs. 1 hr spin class then yard work, yard work and more yard work -- the leaves have begun to fall, the garden needs cleaning up/cutting back and a top coat of mulch. Awesome day.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tues 9/13 - Chest & Tris

Routine A
Inc DB press: 2 warms, 30/8, 35/8, 35/7
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 65/10, 70/10
Pushups: 3 x to fail
Tri pressdown: 2 warms, 32.5/10, 35/10
1 hand pressdown: 15/10 x 2
Lying DB extension: 1 warm, 12/12 x 2

30 mins stairmaster

Solid workout. Enjoying a few days off to spend time with friends, family and take care of "stuff" that needs takin' care of. Have a great day!

Was reading some quotes on blessings and happend upon this one -- just made me laugh...

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets. (HA!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mon 9/12 - Quads

Routine A
Front squat: 2 warms, 85/8, 90/8, 90/7
Split squat: 30/12, 40/12, 50/12
Leg ext: 90/10, 100/10 - Good grief, quads are on fire!
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 60/10, 65/10, 70/10
Leg press: 210/20, 250/15

30 mins arc trainer

Abs: 3 x 15
crossover crunch
side plank w/hip drops
bicycle crunch

Nothing fab, just a solid workout and loving life back at the gym - yippee!

The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.
~Nelson Mandela

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sun 9/11 - Bi's & Shoulders

Routine A:
Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 65/6 (UGH) back to 60/8
Seated side laterals: 12/10, 15/10 x 2
Front raise/rear delt ss: 1 warm, 12/12 x 2, 15/12
Bar curl: 1 warm, 40/6 x 2, 45/6
Rope curl: 1 warm, 50/10, 55/10
Conc curl: 15/10 x 2

45 mins spin class

Made gains in the side lats, front raise and bar curl but couldn't hit 65/7 on the seated bar or 20 lbs on conc curl... go figure?

Felt wonderful to be back in the gym today then coming home to make some protein pancakes. So many little things we take for granted.

~May you find peace within yourself today.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tues 9/6 - Back & Hammies

Routine A
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 80/8, 85/8, 90/8
Seated row (cable close): 1 warm, 65/12, 70/12, 80/12
DB bench row: 25/10, 30/10, 35/10
Deads: 1 warm, 125/8, 135/8, 145/8
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
Single leg curl: 30/12, 35/12 x 2

No cardio - never made it home from until after 10 :(

No gym time the remainder of the week - not even 15 mins of cardio - UGH.
Finally getting around to posting from Tuesday. Here's to a new week, a new career and getting back on my game - YIPPEE!

Sat 9/10
30 mins of cardio today, puttered around the house and enjoyed my hubby's company.

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Monday, September 5, 2011

9/5 - Chest & Tris

Routine A
Incl DB Press: 2 warms, 30/8, 35/8, 35/7
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 65/10, 75/7 (UGH), dropped back to 70/10
Pushups: 3 x to faul
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 32.5/10, 35/10
1 hand pressdown: 15/12 x 2
Lying DB ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/7, 12/8
(usually hit 15 on these UGH - increased weight on the 2 prior - tris were spent)

30 mins treadmill 3.2 @ 12 & 13 incline

Abs: 3 x 15
Swiss ball pull ins
Swiss ball roll out
Leg raises with swiss ball

Small gains in some, didn't hit same weight on others but worked to failur every time and overall a good workout.

I'm pimping out food again - Kate's eating BBQ lentil, Quest Bars and Whey crips on her salad :)

Take rest; a field that is rested gives a bountiful crop.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sun 9/4 - Leg Day

30 mins bike pre-legs

Routine A
Front squat: 2 warms, 85/8, 90/8 x 2
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 60/10, 65/10, 70/10
Split squat: 30/12, 40/12, 45/12
Leg press: 210/20, 240/18
Leg ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10 (really 9 1/2)

My quads are already screaming but I wasn't as heavy on leg press as last time or on the split squat - go figure? Workout was solid and focused though.

Enjoy your holiday weekend. Take that new Jeep out for a spin to the beach! woo hoo :)

~Doubt can only be removed by action.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sat 9/3 - Off Day

Finally caught up on my posts (I hate being behind).
Today was an off day. Usually go to spin but chose to sleep in. Actually slept until 7:15 - WOOT!!

Felt well rested and ready to start the day.
Missed spin class unfortunately. 3.5 mile run and felt great.
Broke out the chain saw and got busy cleaning up the yard today. Much more to do but it was a good day off and solid on my macros.

Next two days will rock solid then back to the craziness. Client visits next week so late nights and dinners out. Just a speed bump :)

Fri 9/2 - Bis & Shoulders

Routine A - a.m. weights
Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 65/7
Seated side laterals: 10/10, 12/10, 15/10
Front raise/rear delt ss: 1 warm, 10/12, 12/12, 15/10
Bar curl: 1 warm, 40/6 x 3
Rope curl: 1 warm, 50/10, 55/10
Conc curl: 15/10, 20/9

Abs on bench:
Pull ins - 3 x 20
Hip ups - 3 x 15
Bicycle - 3 x 15

Cardio - NONE UGH
Home from work after 10 pm again. Day started at 4:30 -- too tired :(

Another banner food day (not so much). Had all intentions of leaving the office by 6 and had food prepared up to that point.
I'm gonna have to kick some booty over the next few days!

Thurs 9/1 - Back & Hammies

Routine A - a.m. weights
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 80/8, 85/8, 90/8
Deads: 1 warm, 125/8, 135/8, 148/8
DB bench row: 25/10, 30/10, 35/10
Seated machine row: 70/12, 80/12, 90/10
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
Single leg curl: 30/12, 35/12, 35/10

Cardio - none today :(

Ended up at the office until 10:30. Bad food day - cookies for dinner.
Home and crawled into bed


Weds 8/31 - Cardio only day
Spin class a.m.
Abs pm
Butterfly crunch 3 x 20
Pike crunch 3 x 15
Pilates single leg stretch 3 x 15
Plank & hold 1 minute x 3