Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tues 8/30 - Chest & Tris

Routine A - a.m. weights
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 65/10, 75/9 (could have hit 10.. needed a spotter)
Inc DB press: 2 warms, 30/8, 35/7 x 2
Push ups: 3 x to failure on bosu ball
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 30/10, 32.5/10
1 hand pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying db ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/11

p.m. cardio
3 mile run

Didn't get to abs -- got in from work too late.

Live life in the present. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is yet to be. Today is the miracle.

Mon 8/29 - Legs

Routine A - a.m. weights
Leg ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10
Front Squat: 2 warms, 85/8, 90/7, 95/6
Split squat: 30/12, 40/12, 50/10
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 60/10, 65/10, 70/10
Leg press: 230/17, 250/15

Work out was so-so. Didn't sleep much in anticpation of resigning today. Wasn't very focused.

p.m. cardio
30 mins recumbent bike (got home really late).

Bad food day - off macros. Stress eating at work late.

In acceptance there is peace.

Sat 8/27 & Sun 8/28

Sat: Cardio only day
Ran 3 miles & 20 mins of an old boot camp video
OCB Battle for the Belt - great show and had a lot of fun!
Went out for pizza and ice cream - have not had a cheat meal in weeks. woot!

Sun: was supposed to be leg day but the gym was closed so...
Cardio day, adjusted macros for cardio day
30 mins recumbent bike

For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fri 8/26 - Back & Bi's

Spin class 6 - 6:45 a.m.

Weights - Routine A:
Seated bar press: 2 warms, 50/8, 60/8, 65/7
Seated side laterals: 10/10, 12/10, 15/10
Front raise/rear delt ss: 1 warm, 10/12, 12/12, 15/10
Bar curl: 1 warm, 40/6 x 3
Rope curl: 1 warm, 50/10, 55/10
Conc curl: 15/10, 20/9

Knee raises 3 x 20
Ab crunch machine (weighted) 3 x 20
Stability ball crunch 3 x 15

Lifting was a little tough b/c I took spin first so was a bit spent and again not much sleep. But gettin' it done. Had to squeek in another day of intervals b/c I will be working w/Heidi tomorrow morning so no gym for me in the a.m.

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore you have the power to change anything about yourself that you want to change.
~Barbara deAngelis

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thurs 8/25 - Back & Hammies

Routine A - a.m. weights
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 80/8, 85/8, 90/8
Bar deads: 1 warm, 125/8, 135/8, 145/8
DB bench row (one arm): 25/10, 30/10, 35/10
Seated row (machine): 70/12, 80/10, 90/10
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
Single leg curl (lying): 30/12, 35/12, 35/10 - hammies are fried!

20 mins stairmaster
15 mins treadmill - 3.2 @ 10 incline

Workout was solid. Happy with the deads. Making progress there - yea!
Legs were still sore yesterday from Monday's workout. I didn't think I lifted that heavy but apparently I worked hard b/c my quads and inner thighs (sumo db) were screaming until yesterday. Thought I was gonna die in spin class - LOL.

Weds 8/24 - day off
Spin class (45 mins)
abs: 3 x 15
crossover crunch
side plank w/hip drops
bicycle crunch
plank & hold 1 min x 3

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
~Jim Rohn

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tues 8/23 - Chest & Tris

a.m. weights - Routine A
Incl db press: 2 warms, 30/8, 35/7 x 2
Flat bar press: 1 warm, 65/10, 75/9
Push ups: 3 x's to failure (feet on bench)
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 30/10, 32.5/10
1 hand pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying DB ext: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/11

Unfortunately never made it back to the gym or home early enough to get in cardio - UGH.

I think the next 3 weeks until I start my new journey are gonna be a bumpy ride. Oh well, we'll get thru it!

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.
~Walter Elliott

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mon 8/22 - Legs

Routine A - a.m. weights
Front squat: 2 warms, 85/8, 90/7, 95/6
Split squat: 30/12, 40/12, 50/10 - OMG burning quads
Leg ext: 1 warm, 90/10, 100/10
Sumo db: 1 warm, 60/10, 65/10, 75/10
Leg press: 200/10, 260/20

Fist day of new routine.
Trouble with the front squats - really hard time getting up on rep 6 but pushed thru it.
First time ever doing split squats - a little rough on the left knee but I like these :)
Hit the sumo db's heavier than I have in the past - felt good and was sweaty - a lot!!
Could have gone heavier on the first set of leg presses. I was thinking that at 20 reps I needed to go a lot lighter but think I could have hit 230 - 240 on set 1 and 260 - 280 on set 2. Next time!

2o mins cardio p.m. - bike @ home.

Heard back about a new job today - got the job! Also offered a promotion at my current job with a major salary increase - oi vey when it rains it pours right? Taking the new job don't like the way my current company operates but have lots of loose ends to tie up... fingerprints, background checks, drug testing, etc... So a few weeks away from a new found career and hopefully a more normal schedule -- no more 5 am calls - woottt!!!!

Ok, babbled enough. Have a great night!

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
~Flora Whittmore

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sun 8/21 - Back & Shoulders

Routing C - Weights
Pull ups: 4 sets to failure (assisted)
Seated cable row: 2 warms, 80/10, 90/9
DB deads: 1 warm, 50/10 x 2, 55/10
Rear delt raise: 1 warm, 40/12, 50/10 x 2 - used pec deck/rear delt machine benches taken
1 arm side lateral (cable): 10/10, 15/10 x 2
Standing push press: 2 warms, bar 8, 55/8, 60/7, ds 50/11

4 mile run in the rain - woot!!! It's fun running in the rain, makes me feel like I'm really traing for the Tough Mudder. I'm getting so psyched for this :)

Saturday: Cardio only - spin class in the a.m. Ran around after a 3 year old at the pool for 3 hours - forgot how much energy they have that I don't - geesh.

Tomorrow starts a new program. Three diff types of squats on leg day? Oh Joe.. that's just wrong.. :( LOL

Don't shrink away from challenges, keep reaching for that star.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fri 8/19 - Chest & Tris

a.m. weights
Routine C
Flat db press: 2 warms, 30/6, 35/6 x 2
Inc db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/9 (spot last one)
Push ups: 3 x to failure - on bosu ball
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 27.5, 30/10, 32.5/10
1 arm stirrup pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying bar ext: 1 warm, 30/10, 40/10, 40/8

p.m. cardio
ran 1 mile and got stuck in a downpour - sprinted back ... overall a great run and good practice for TM - woot! Dried off and went to the gym - 30 mins crossramp

3 x 25 - knee raises
3 x 15 - weighted decline
3 x 20 - pilates single leg stretch

Good workout - long week. Worked out w/Riham today. She's getting back in her groove - good to see!

There aren't enough days in the weekend!

~Rod Schmidt

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thurs 8/18 - Back & Bis

Routine C
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 80/9, 85/9, 90/9
1 arm cable row: 1 warm, 35/12, 40/12
DB bent over row: 2 warms, 25/6, 30/6, 35/6, ds 25/15
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12
Inc db curl: 2 warms, 12/10, 15/10, ds 10/15
Conc curl: 12/12, 15/12 (ugh, I usually do 15/12 x 2)

Workout was so-so. 15 mins cardio in the a.m. at home on bike.
Started work at 3 a.m. finished up at 7:30 pm, then home and to the gym. It's 10:45 and I'm off to bed -- super tired.

Need to be up at 4:00 tomorrow - it's been a loooong week.

Not even an inspirational footnote tonight. I usually look for something to fit my mood or the day. The way this day went, I'd be lookin' up truck driver quotes and it would need to be censored - ha!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tues 8/16 - Legs

Last day of "squatless" leg routines - enjoyed it while it lasted :)
Didn't make the gym this a.m., you guessed it - J - O - B

Long day, late night. Made it there tonight - 15 mins cardio pre-workout.

Leg ext: 1 warm, 85/10, 90/10, 100/9
Leg press: 2 warms, 230/6, 250/6, 270/6, ds 230/15
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 55/12, 60/12, 65/12
Bar deads: 2 warms, 115/10, 125/10, 135/10
Bar lunge: 3 x 10 - 1xbar, 2 sets/65

Solid workout with gains in the leg ext and sumo db. Knees are little sore today - I think the combo of running and rain are the culprit. Thank goodness for the terminator brace!

Tomorrow is a day off from weights. 5:45 a.m. spin class.

Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth.
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mon 8/15 - Back & Shoulders

Routine C
a.m. weights
Pull ups: 4 sets to failure
Seated cable row: 2 warms, 80/10, 90/10
DB deads: 50/10 x 2, 55/10
Rear delt raise on bench: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12 x 2
1 arm side lateral (cable): 10/10, 15/10 x 2
Standing push press: 2 warms, bar 8, 55/8, 60/7, ds 50/11

p.m. cardio
3 mile run - it's hot out there

Had a good workout. Increased the cable row, side laterals and ds on the push press (I actuallly like these now) They're kinda fun - shhhh don't tell my trainer!

Second day on new macros. Hit 'em within 3. Prep'd all my food for the week yesterday so I'm all set on the new plan.

BTW - tomorrow is leg day (the no squat leg day - woot) This will be my last rotation and I'll need a new plan please.

Have a great night.

Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress.
~Mohandas Gandhi

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sun 8/14 - Chest & Tris

Weights - Routine C
Flat bench press (worked out w/Mel, was supposed to be flat DB press)
2 warms, 75/5, 80/5, 85/5
Slight Incl DB press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/6 (UGH - what was that?), hit another set, I was mad.... 35/9 -whew.
Pushups: 3 x's to fail - feet on bench
Lying bar ext: 1 warm, 40/10 x 2, 40/8
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 27.5/10, 30/10, 32.5/10
One arm stirrup pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12

Cardio: 30 mins eliptical

Saturday 8/13
Off from weights. 1 hr spin class
Off the meal plan - family picinic. Wasn't terrible, except for the Phila Soft Pretzel (it was good).

Ain't no chance if you don't take it.
~Guy Clark

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fri 8/12 - Back & Bi's

a.m. weights
Routine C
DB bent over row: 2 warms, 25/6, 30/6 x 2, ds 25/15
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 75/10, 80/10, 85/10
1 arm cable row: 35/12, 40/12
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12
Conc curl: 15/12 x 2
Inc db curl: 2 warms, 12/10, 15/10, ds 10/15

p.m. cardio
30 mins arc trainer

abs 3 x 15
hanging abs w/straps
side plank w/hip drops
crossover crunches
plank & hold 1 minute x 3

Good workoout but feeling a little stuck - haven't made any real gains in the back and bi area for a while. Help?

Tomorrow is day off from weights. Hitting spin class in the a.m.

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thurs 8/11 - Legs

Routine C
a.m. weights
Leg ext: 1 warm, 75/10, 80/10, 90/10
Leg press: 2 warms, 230/6, 250/6, 270/6, ds 230/15 - burning quads!
Sumo DB squat: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12, 60/12
Bar deads: 2 warms, 115/10, 125/10, 135/10
Bar lunge: 1 set bar x 10, 2 sets 65/10
I officially dislike these more than squats!

p.m. cardio
3.5 mile run today - yea!!

Saturday will be my first attempt to do 4 miles. Gonna rock The Tough Mudder!

Ask yourself, "Can I give more?", the answer is usually "Yes"
~Paul Tergat

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weds 8/10 - Back & Shoulders

a.m. cardio
1 hr spin class

p.m. weights
Routine C
Pullups: 4 x to failure (assisted)
Seaated cable row (close): 2 warms, 75/10, 85/10
DB deads: 1 warm, 50/10 x 2, 55/10
Rear delt raise: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12 x 2
1 arm side lat (cable): 1 warm, 7.5/12 x 3
Standing push press: 2 warms, bar/8, 55/8, 60/7 - no drop set, it was 10 pm I wanted to go home :(

Workout was ok - no gains, no drop set on push press. 16 hrs of work today - pure insanity and tomorrow is shaping up to be much the same. Happy to have gotten in my workouts. Today was supposed to be a running day but too dark by the time I got home. Always tomorrow :)

Hope springs eternal!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tues 8/9 - Chest & Tris

Routine C
a.m. weights
Flat db press: 2 warms, 30/6, 35/6 x 2
Incl db press: 1 warm, 25/10, 30/10, 35/9
Pushups: 3 sets to failure (used bosu ball)
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 25/10, 27.510, 30/10 - felt like I needed another set 32.5/10
One arm stirrup pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying bar ext: 1 warm, 30/12 x 2, 40/12 (yea finally made all 12 reps w/40)

a.m. cardio: 15 mins crossramp

p.m. cardio
30 mins eliptical

Monday 8/8 - was supposed to be chest & tris but work kinda took over - Boo.
Adjusted my macros and made it a cardio only day. Ran 3 miles then hit the recumbent bike for 15 mins. It was hot!

This week training is 3 mile runs with a 3.5 on Friday - UGH. Tough Mudder here we come! Increasing my "long runs" by 1/2 mile each week. This is getting tough (no pun intended). The knees are not happy with my choice of physical activity. It's only until November - I want that TM tattoo!

Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.
~Leo Tolstoy

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sun 8/7 - Back & Bi's

Routine C
DB Bent over row: 2 warms, 25/6, 30/6, 30/6, ds 25/16
Lat pull wide: 2 warms, 75/10, 80/10, 85/10
1 arm cable row: 1 warm, 35/12, 40/12
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12
Inc db curl: 2 warms, 12/10, 15/10, ds 10/15
Conc curl: 15/12 x 2

20 mins stairmill + 20 mins eliptical

Abs: 3 x 15
Reverse crunch w/ball
Pilates single leg stretch
Weighted side bend

Overall a solid workout. Added a few extra mins cardio as we're going out to dinner w/friends tonight. Enjoy your day!

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.
~Author Unknown

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fri 8/5 - Legs

Routine C
a.m. weights
Leg press: 2 warms, 230/6, 250/6, 270/6, ds 230/15 (burning)
Leg ext: 1 warm, 75/10, 80/10, 90/10
Lying leg curls: 1 warm, 70/10, 80/10, 90/10
(was supposed to be bar deads but was w/Melissa and she wanted some help with them since she's not done this one) Besides... did DB deads yesterday - hope that's ok - still hammies :)
Bar lunge: 3 x 10 - 1 set bar, 2 sets 65
Sumo DB: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12, 60/12

p.m. cardio
30 mins stairmill

Legs are spent. Was a good very focused workout. Got some sleep last night and feel better about getting back results on bloodwork.

Have a great weekend. Tomorrow will be cardio only - spin class then taking the grandbabe to the pool - yea!!

All that we behold is full of blessings.
~William Wordsworth

Thurs 8/4 - Back & Shoulders

Routine C
a.m. weights
Pullups: 4 sets to failure (assisted)
Seated cable row (close): 2 warms, 75/10, 80/10
DB deads: 1 warm, 50/10 x 2, 55/10
Rear delt raise on bench: 1 warm, 12/12, 15/12 x 2
1 arm side lateral: 1 warm, 7.5/12 x 3
Standing push press: 2 warms, bar 8, 55/8, 60/7, ds bar 14

Never made it back at night to do cardio :( Work fires....
My weight it up to 127 lbs and I feel "ucky" I've been kinda tired and cranky, figured it was stress/work.
Had blood work done and thyroid is acting up again so Rx has been adjusted - at least I feel vindicated b/c I've been working my butt off and other than a few BBQs have been really tight w/my macros --- sooo frustrating. I know it's not tragic but when you keep gaining and are not eating anything out of the norm it's disheartening. At least I know why and should see a change in 10-14 days.

Need help on the DB deads please... I feel like I can go heaver but can't hold them for 10 reps beyond 55 /60 lbs.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.
~Winston Churchill

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tues 8/2 - Chest & Tri's

Routine C
Flat DB press: 2 warms, 30/6, 35/6 x 2
Incl DB press: 1 warm, 25/10, 35/10, 35/8 (last 2 w/a spot)
Pushups: 3 x 15 - feet elevated on bench
Triceps pressdown: 2 warms, 25/10, 27.5/10, 30/10
One arm stirrup pressdown: 12.5/12, 15/12
Lying bar ext: 1 warm, 30/12 x 2, 40/10 - OMG tris are on fire!

20 mins crossramp

Worked out with gliders

Got it all in this morning. 4:30 a.m. call ended quickly - yea! so I was on the move early.
Actually had a good workout - up'd the presses on both flat & incline.

Back to work... have a good rest of the day.

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.
~Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mon 8/1 - Back & Bi's

Routine C
a.m. weights
DB bent over row: both arms (that sounds silly)....
2 warms, 20/6, 25/6, 30/6, ds 25/15
Lat pull (wide): 2 warms, 75/10, 80/10, 85/9
1 arm cable row: 1 warm, 35/12, 40/12
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/12
Incl db curl: 2 warms, 12/10, 15/10, ds 10/15
Conc curl: 15/12 x 2

p.m. cardio
30 mins recumbent bike

Spent yesterday cutting up down'd trees and mowing the lawn. Worked until midnight then had to be on line for a code push at 4:30 this morning -- not much sleep and body was super tired.
Workout was mediocore but got it done. I know my leg workout rocked - the steps at work didn't feel so good - ouch!

Excited about the show in few weeks!! Can't wait to see everyone - yippee!!!
Have a great night.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
~Benjamin Franklin